A New Action-based Dataset of Fiscal Consolidation | IMF Working Paper

[Recurso eletrónico] “This paper presents a new dataset of fiscal consolidation for 17 OECD economies during1978-2009. We focus on discretionary changes in taxes and government spending primarilymotivated by a desire to reduce the budget deficit and not by a response to prospectiveeconomic conditions. To identify the motivation and budgetary impact of the fiscal policychanges, we examine contemporaneous policy documents, including Budgets, BudgetSpeeches, central bank reports, Convergence and Stability Programs submitted by theauthorities to the European Commission, and IMF and OECD reports. The resulting series canbe used to estimate the macroeconomic effects of fiscal consolidation.”
[Retirado do Abstract de Devries, Pete; Guajardo, Jaime; Leigh, Daniel; Pescatori, Andrea (Junho 2011). “A New Action-based Dataset of Fiscal Consolidation”. IMF Working Paper.]

A New Action-based Dataset of Fiscal Consolidation | IMF Working Paper Read More »