Policy Brief 10. Repair and Prepare: Growth and the Euro after Brexit – a comment

[Recurso eletrónico] “This policy brief analyzes the “Repair and Prepare: Growth and the Euro after Brexit” report, (hereafter, the report). The report proposes a policy toolkit to strengthen the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and is an important contribution for the discussion regarding improvements to the euro area architecture. Such improvements are required in order to avoid further crisis and to ensure economic stability and growth in the euro area. The report is comprehensive and nuanced, with an array of detailed policy ideas within each group of proposals.”
[Retirado de Cabral, Ricardo; Morais, Luís Teles; Vicente, Joana Andrade (julho 2017). “Policy Brief 10. Repair and Prepare: Growth and the Euro after Brexit – a comment”. Institute of Public Policy. Lisboa]

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