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2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report

[Recurso eletrónico] “Background on the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program(TTCSP) of the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania conducts research on the role policyinstitutes play in governments and civil societies around the world. Often referred to as the “think tanks’think tank,” TTCSP examines the evolving role and character of public policy research organizations. Overthe last 30 years, TTCSP has developed and led a series of global initiatives that have helped bridge thegap between knowledge and policy in critical policy areas such as international peace and security,globalization and governance, international economics, environmental issues, information and society,poverty alleviation and healthcare and global health. These international collaborative efforts aredesigned to establish regional and international networks of policy institutes and communities thatimprove policymaking while strengthening democratic institutions and civil societies around the world.”
[Retirado do Abstract de McGann, James G., “2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report” (2021). TTCSP Global Go To Think Tank Index Reports. 18]

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Strategies for Regional Tax Incentive Reform: Cross-country Lessons and Experiences. R Krelove Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF Montego Bay, October 23, 2014

[Recurso eletrónico] Apresentação intitulada Strategies for Regional Tax Incentive Reform: Cross-country Lessons and Experiences, da autoria de Russell Krelove, do Departamento de Assuntos Fiscais, do IMF (Fundo Monetário Internacional), datada de 23 de outubro de 2014.

Strategies for Regional Tax Incentive Reform: Cross-country Lessons and Experiences. R Krelove Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF Montego Bay, October 23, 2014 Read More »

The User Challenge Benchmarking The Supply Of Online Public Services

[Recurso eletrónico] “This report presents the 7thannual measurement of the progress of online public servicedelivery across Europe. It features results from the two core measurements ofsophistication and fully-online availability of online services, measured across a basketof 20 services assessed from public agencies across 31 countries – the 27 EU MemberStates, plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey (EU27+).This year the measurement system has been enhanced in recognition of the ever-increasingfocus on efficient ‘user-centric’ services. We introduce a 5thlevel of online sophistication –that of personalisation; the extent to which online service is targeted to user needs. We havealso piloted a composite indicator for User-Centricity – comprising a basket of four subindicators. Finally, we have assessed national portals as a trusted comprehensive one-stopaccess to public services.”
[Retirado do Management Summary de Capgemini; Directorate General for Information Society and Media – European Comission (2007). “The User Challenge Benchmarking The Supply Of Online Public Services”. 7th Measurement. September 2007]

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Concatedral de Miranda do Douro

A Catedral de Miranda do Douro surge no decurso da criação da Diocese em Miranda do Douro e respetiva elevação da vila a cidade no ano de 1545. O projeto insere-se na tipologia de Sés mandadas construir por D. João III, cujo investimento se reflete na escala da edificação, que se destaca entre a restante malha urbana. Com traça de Gonçalo de Torralva e Miguel de Arruda, as obras tiveram início em 1552. Deste período chegou ao presente o corpo da igreja, pelo que a fachada que hoje observamos resulta de uma campanha construtiva posterior. Classificada como Monumento Nacional desde 1910, é o símbolo maior de Miranda do Douro.