Espólio Dr. Miguel Cadilhe

Espólio digital oferecido pelo Dr. Miguel Cadilhe

Shifts in Economic Geography and their Causes

[Recurso eletrónico] “This paper analyses some of the forces that are changing the spatial distribution of activity in the world economy. It draws on the ‘new economic geography’ literature to argue the importance of increasing returns to scale and cumulative causation processes in shaping the productivity and comparative advantage of different regions. In the presence of such increasing returns there may be persistent spatial disparities in productivity. Economic development will tend to be ‘lumpy’, with some regions (countries, or smaller areas such as cities) experiencing rapid growth and others being left behind.”
[Retirado de Venables, Anthony James. (2006). “Shifts in Economic Geography and their Causes”. Centre for Economic Performance. CEP Discussion Paper No 767. December 2006]

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A economia, a política e as finanças da descentralização

[Recurso eletrónico] “Este artigo desenvolve uma análise político-económica da descentralização política e da reforma administrativa em Portugal. Mais especificamente equaciona-se a problemática da eventual criação das regiões administrativas em três níveis distintos de análise. Por um lado, existe uma análise estritamente normativa das funções que
deveriam ser desempenhadas por cada nível de administração (central, regional e local). Esta análise permite clarificar o que, do ponto de vista ideal, deve ser um sistema de administração (ou de governo) a vários níveis, tendo em conta as funções tradicionalmente atribuídas ao sector público. O facto de se encontrar uma racionalidade normativa para a descentralização não significa, contudo, que se consiga desenhar um sistema de administração que seja eficaz de acordo com a norma desejada.”
[Retirado de Pereira, Paulo Trigo (2009). “A economia, a política e as finanças da descentralização”. ISEG, UECE, Lisboa, Artigo apresentado no Palácio da Bolsa do Porto :pp. 1-19]

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The Effects of Urban Concentration on Economic Growth

[Recurso eletrónico] The paper examines whether there is a significant relationship between economic growth and the degree of urban concentration, as measured by primacy, or the share of the largest metro area in national urban population. Is there reason to believe many countries have excessive primacy and how costly is excessive (or insufficient) primacy? Using GMM methods, the paper estimates growth effects, using a panel of 80-100 countries from 1960 to 1995. It also looks at the determinants of primacy and policy instruments that might be effective in reducing excessive primacy. The paper finds that there is a best degree of national urban primacy, which increases sharply up to a per capita income of about $5000 (PPP 1987 income), before declining modestly. The best degree of primacy declines with country scale. Error bands about estimated best degrees of primacy are generally tight. Growth losses from significantly non-optimal concentration are large and rise with income. Results are very robust. In a group of 72 countries in 1990, it appears that at least 24 have satisfactory primacy; at least 24 have significantly excessive primacy; and at least 5 countries have too little. What determines urban concentration? Econometric models show that urban concentration initially rises with income and then peaks around an income of $2400, before declining. Openness, or trade effects are modest. Similarly, the effects of a greater degree of political decentralization while significantly reducing urban concentration are quite modest. The key policy type variable affecting concentration is investment in inter-regional transport infrastructure. In particular, increases in the density of road networks significantly reduce primacy, with the effect rising with income. As a policy consideration, this takes heightened importance because growth losses from excessive primacy tend to rise with income. The effect on growth rates of investment in roads, through its effect on primacy, is highest in middle income countries.
[Retirado do Abstract de Henderson, J. Vernon (2000). “The Effects of Urban Concentration on Economic Growth”. In NBER Working Paper Series. January 2000]

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Finances locales, finances de l’État et financement de la ville

[Recurso eletrónico] Le financement des services publics urbains repose sur deux canaux d’inégale importance. L’urbanisme opérationnel offre une première possibilité de capitaliser dans la charge foncière une fraction du coût des investissements d’accompagnement des Zones d’aménagement concertée (ZAC) ou des Plans d’aménagement
d’ensemble (PAE). Les participations directes des acquéreurs de logements, complétées par la taxe locale d’équipement, ne couvrent toutefois qu’une proportion limitée des dépenses. L’essentiel du financement provient, de ce fait, des contributions fiscales annuelles des redevables locaux et indirectement nationaux via les dotations et subventions de l’État.
[Retirado de Guengant, Alain (2006). “Finances locales, finances de l’État et financement de la ville”. In: Revue d’économie financière, n°86, 2006. Le financement de la ville. pp. 111-125.]

Finances locales, finances de l’État et financement de la ville Read More »

Out of London Productions and BBC: The Compliance Process

[Recurso eletrónico] “The Head of Commercial, Rights and Business Affairs, Nations (CRBA) (who is based at Pacific Quay, Glasgow) oversees the work of all CRBA teams in Scotland, NI and Wales who, in turn, contract the majority of Network and Nations-funded productions which qualify under the Ofcom Criteria as‘Nations’ productions. It is this team which does most of the work in examining qualification or advising other specialist commissioning areas (such as Childrens or Sport) on qualification.”
[Retirado de “Out of London Productions and BBC: The Compliance Process”. Scottish Parliament. 2021]

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Situation économique, sociale et territoriale du Portugal / NOTE D’INFORMATION élaborée à la demande de la commission REGI

[Recurso eletrónico] La présente note d’information a pour objectif de fournir des informations en vue de la visite au Portugal, du 27 février au 1er mars 2019, d’une délégation de la commission du développement régional du Parlement européen.
[Retirado de European Parliament (2019). “Note D’Information élaborée à la demande de lacommission REGI. Situation économique, sociale et territoriale du Portugal”. Union Européenne]

Situation économique, sociale et territoriale du Portugal / NOTE D’INFORMATION élaborée à la demande de la commission REGI Read More »

OECD (2018), OECD Regions and Cities at a Glance 2018, OECD Publishing, Paris

[Recurso eletrónico] This report looks at how regions and cities across the OECD are progressing towards stronger economies, higher quality of life for their citizens and more inclusive societies. This edition presents regional and metropolitan updates for more than 40 indicators to assess disparities within countries and their evolution since the turn of the new millennium. The report covers all OECD countries and, where data is available, Brazil, People’s Republic of China, Colombia, Lithuania, Peru, the Russian Federation, Tunisia and South Africa.
[Retirado de OECD (2018), OECD Regions and Cities at a Glance 2018, OECD Publishing, Paris.]

OECD (2018), OECD Regions and Cities at a Glance 2018, OECD Publishing, Paris Read More »

The Danish Regions in Brief

On 1 January 2007, the five new regions are established: The Capital Region of Denmark, The Sealand Region, Region of Southern Denmark, Central Denmark Region, and North Denmark Region. With this leaflet ”The Danish Regions – in Brief”, Danish Regions wishes to provide an overview of the tasks and finances of the five regions.
[Retirado de Danish Regions (2007). “The Danish Regions in Brief”. 3rd revised edition. Danish Regions. 2007]

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Estudo sobre o Poder de Compra Concelhio 2015

[Recurso eletrónico] O INE divulga a 12ª edição do Estudo sobre o Poder de Compra Concelhio (EPCC) que integra informação estatística reportada ao ano de 2015, sendo as variáveis de base para este estudo relativizadas pela população residente, estimada pelo INE, para 31 de dezembro de 2015. O EPCC tem como objetivo caracterizar os municípios portugueses relativamente ao poder de compra numa aceção ampla de bem-estar material, a partir de um conjunto de variáveis e por recurso a um modelo de análise fatorial em componentes principais. A realização deste estudo visa contribuir para a oferta de informação ao nível do município através da disponibilização de
indicadores de síntese que traduzem o poder de compra manifestado nestes espaços geográficos. [Retirado de Instituto Nacional de Estatística (2017). “Estudo sobre o Poder de Compra Concelhio 2015”. Lisboa-Portugal]

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Concatedral de Miranda do Douro

A Catedral de Miranda do Douro surge no decurso da criação da Diocese em Miranda do Douro e respetiva elevação da vila a cidade no ano de 1545. O projeto insere-se na tipologia de Sés mandadas construir por D. João III, cujo investimento se reflete na escala da edificação, que se destaca entre a restante malha urbana. Com traça de Gonçalo de Torralva e Miguel de Arruda, as obras tiveram início em 1552. Deste período chegou ao presente o corpo da igreja, pelo que a fachada que hoje observamos resulta de uma campanha construtiva posterior. Classificada como Monumento Nacional desde 1910, é o símbolo maior de Miranda do Douro.